5 Essential Tips for Achieving Success in Your Busy Business Life
Nov 01, 2023
I get asked all the time…
“How do you do it all??”
“How did you become the top recruiter in a multimillion dollar company while you’re so busy with all the things you do??!”
Here are 5 Tips for success in your business, when you’re “too busy to add anything else”:
1. Get clear on your most important activity to move your business forward. Hint: bringing in new…
Set a reasonable, measurable, daily goal for this single activity.
2. Prepare a list the night before of what your next day looks/ feels like, and when you will fit in the activities to achieve the goals in #1. Even if it’s in 5-10 minute intervals through the day.
3. Stay focused on the goal in #1. Don’t scroll social media, watch TV, or anything else distracting, until you hit your daily goal. Once you hit it… go for the distraction if you want to.
4. Stay consistent for at least 90 days… one day at a time… Even on the days you don’t feel like.
5. Find a mentor/ accountability partner and report your actual numbers to them weekly; good, bad, ugly, great… tell them the truth. This is how you get better.
You won’t improve if you’re not honest with them or yourself about what you’re really doing.
Call yourself on your own B.S.
It’s your time to fly my friend!
“You can have results or excuses, not both”~Arnold Schwartzenegger
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