Breaking the Survival Cycle: Building a Fulfilling Life of Purpose and Impact

inspiration May 29, 2023
Something pretty darn special about starting your day horseback, early morning checking cows, with your family.

Spending each day looking forward to your next vacation, leaving where you are to go on your next trip, working all day to “get out of here” and go somewhere else…

Is. Not. Living.

It’s surviving.

And simply surviving is not fulfilling, nor serving anyone (others or yourself).

Stop the cycle… and it starts with you.

It starts in your mind.
It starts with a decision.
It starts with small daily steps.

Your personal mission and vision to serve and make an impact may not be crystal clear right now.

But I bet you have a nagging feeling inside of you, that you’re trying to ignore, that is telling you to do something.

And it feels scary, or uncertain.

And that’s ok.

How does it really make you feel to envision that feeling coming to life (without all the strings and what-if’s attached!)?

Focus on that feeling!

Then start asking for clarity, journaling, asking for help…

And just start.

Trust me, you’ll figure it out along the way… as long as you’re willing to keep going.

And it’s totally worth it!

“Build a life you don’t need a vacation from.”


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