Discovering Peace and Rest: Carving Out Moments of Self-Care and Serenity

inspiration Jun 06, 2023
Where do you find yours?
When do you give these gifts to yourself?
It doesn’t have to be formal or fancy but you deserve (and need) to find time to give yourself these moments.
The moments and the time will not magically appear.
You just have to create the space.
Then step into it, committing those moments:
For quiet.
For peace.
For rest.
Trust me!
Other things will rush in to fill that space like a vacuum!
…And usually more than you had to clear to create the space.
So how do you do it?
—>Turn off your digital devices (Or turn on Do Not Disturb, except for emergency contacts).
—> Wake up a little extra early, or go to bed earlier so you can rest, read, take a break.
—> Ask for help. (This may be one of the hardest things to do for some of us).
—> Communicate with your family about what you need (another hard one).
—> Stop waiting for the perfect time, just do it!
There will ALWAYS be something that needs to be done, or someone who needs something.
—> Get super realistic with your priorities. Some things are just not going to get done in the near future and that’s ok!
Now go breathe and take a few moments for YOU!
Sending a hug and some quiet peace to you today. 🥰 🧘🏽‍♀️🙏🏽

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