Embrace Your Gifts: Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

the heart of the ranch May 11, 2023
Robin Postman Benson Blog Titled: Embrace Your Gifts: Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Hey! You!!
Stop it right now!
Stop comparing your weaknesses to other people’s strengths!
I know for a fact YOU have a ton to give and help others with!
Why are you focusing on the negative?
Start embracing and sharing what you do so well... and it will inspire others beyond what you even can imagine!
You are hobbling yourself with doubt, insecurity, comparison, and even guilt and feelings of inadequacy.... For what???
To be more like someone else??
Why do I know this game so well???
I’m an expert at it!! 
I’ve played the comparison game for YEARS!! 
With no positive outcomes!
And it’s a killer... in all aspects of your life!!
True FREEDOM comes when you fly into your own authentic purpose and press into your gifts... then SHARE THEM to bless others!!
Let the world feel YOUR blessings today!!
Let YOUR light shine!!
Embrace Your gifts!
And watch yourself blossom!! 
“You were made an original~ Don’t die a copy”

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