Rise Above Social Media Blocks and Stay True to Your Journey

inspiration Jun 10, 2023
Know this…

When someone blocks you on social media, of course it stings, we’re human!

But, you should take it as a compliment that you’re growing… living authentically for you and they may not agree with or understand your journey.

And this is just fine!

Your journey is not supposed to be a popularity contest.

Send positive vibes and blessings their way, wishing them the best on their journey.

Maybe you don’t understand their journey either.

And guess what?

That’s just fine too!

Their journey is not your journey.

As long as you are sharing with honesty and compassion, in a way that is not intentionally hurtful to anyone else, stay the course.

Be true to your inner voice, God’s calling for you, and your bigger purpose.

And remember… it’s no one else’s job to know what that is.

It’s up to you to share it boldly and courageously.

Keep on shining your light friend!

Own your fire and use it to light someone else’s flame.

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