The Power of Forward Motion: Lessons from Horse Training

the heart of the ranch May 24, 2023
“Move their feet” is something I’ve heard my whole life when it comes to training and working horses. 


Without forward movement, you can’t train a horse, you don’t  have anything to work with.


Sounds basic right?


It is!


Yet so easy to forget,
To overlook,
To lose focus around.
Because it is so basic.
It’s truly amazing what just getting moving, without restrictions, can fix in a horse.
We start young horses mostly out of the arena after the first few rides, and teach them how to travel, move their feet with balance while carrying a rider and dealing with all sorts of terrain.
We don’t worry about headset or perfect frame at this point. As long as they’re not leaning on me, are traveling in balance, staying soft and flexible.
The horse has to develop many muscles and skills to successfully perform higher levels of collection, flexion and other discipline specific activities.
So it’s messy at first, and we don’t expect them to do it all right away.
And you thought this was a horse training post.😅
The truth is… We’re  the same way!
When you are working toward success in anything, or even progress in anything, you have to start.
You have to build momentum,
Build energy,
It will feel awkward…
It will feel yucky…
You will feel weak or want to stop.
But keep going.
Build your skills and mental muscles (or physical) through focused repetition.
Ask for help from people who are already where you want to go.
Feed your mind only positives.
Look for solutions not problems.
Focus forward.
Move forward.
Get used to feeling uncomfortable.
Keep going.
Do it messy.
Do it scared.
Do it imperfectly.
Just keep going.
You’ll look up one day and realize…
I’m doing it!
I am good at this!
I know how to do this!
This feels easy!
And this is growth.
But none of this happens without forward motion.
Horse training has taught me more over the years than probably anything else.
And the biggest lesson…
Build a solid foundation.
The basics are the magic.
Keep forward motion.
So today… Just start.
Or keep going.
You are capable of anything you set your mind to.
One step at a time.
I believe in you.
Now it’s your turn!



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