Blessings in Ranch Chaos

friends inspiration life the heart of the ranch Sep 14, 2023
Sunset apple cutting for the cattle crew lunch tomorrow.
Reflecting on the blessings and the flow of this season.
Some days it seems super chaotic and hectic.
But what if we switch the narrative to…
We are abundantly blessed with good to harvest, great friends to help us, and beautiful weather?
Try it.
When you feel like you have an over full plate,
Just start cutting it up and eating it.
Eat the elephant, or the apple, one bite at a time.
And remember to ask for help.
Blessings and opportunities are everywhere, if we just choose to see them.
#ranchlife #cattlecrew #ranchlife #ranchcooking #friends #outdoorcooking

May be an image of 1 person, apple, potato and text

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