Building Unshakable Self-Confidence: Embrace Consistency and Positive Self-Talk

inspiration May 19, 2023
Your self confidence will only build when you courageously show up consistently, even when you don’t feel like it.
Do not depend on anything or anyone else to build your confidence. That will never last.
Feed your mind, body and soul with only positive words and thoughts.
Stop canceling on yourself…
Stop cheating yourself…
Stop lying to yourself…
Stop talking badly about yourself…
Stop stopping yourself.
Start showing up for yourself… on time.
Start doing what you tell yourself you’re going to do, one small step at a time.
Start speaking kindly to yourself.
Start embracing what you’re doing and patting yourself on the back for it.
Start working with pride and passion in what you’re doing, even if you don’t like it at the moment- doing your best, showing up as your best for that day… all the way through.
You may not see the progress at first but it builds.
And then the belief starts, and builds.

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