Do Everything in Love: Transforming Your Energy with Compassion, Kindness, and Growth

inspiration May 18, 2023
Do everything in Love.
Sit with that for a few moments.
What does that really mean for you?
When we do all things from a place of love, it completely shifts our energy right?
Love for your self…
Love for others…
Love for what you’re doing…
Love for your situation…
And what does love look like?
Boldness with grace.
And you deserve all of it!
The more you share and practice it, the more you’ll feel the love returned to you.
You get more of what you give.
And remember… to be kind and loving to yourself, that’s the most difficult, yet most important part.
I spent years pouring out love to everyone, while being hard on and unkind to the little girl inside of me.
Once I realized I deserve love as much as others I’m sowing into, everything changed!
Even my physical health.
The change only takes a decision to start. Then surround yourself with support and positive influence.
Speak only love.
To share love, no strings attached, it starts on the inside.
… Then pours out.
Sending you love today

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