Finding Gratitude and Resilience in the Midst of Adversity - A Journey of Healing and Renewal

the heart of the ranch Jun 26, 2023
Nothing says stay here and rest like a purring, snuggling kitty!😻
I’ll admit, it’s hard for me to stop and rest , especially this time of year.
I guess I was meant to, no matter what I think!
Had a horse flip over on me Thursday night and after my first ever visit to the ER and short hospital stay, I’m home and so grateful. The nurses and docs were wonderful and I feel well taken care of!
Thankful nothing is broken, only a lacerated liver. Lots of bruising and swelling but that will heal sooner than later.
Grateful for amazing friends and family who have sent support, help, prayers and warm hugs.
I feel the love and prayers for sure.
Grateful for flexible streams of income that allow me to work when I can.
Grateful for natural healing options that don’t make me nauseated and have to throw up. My abdomen couldn’t take that!
Grateful for Al and Sage- they are incredible!
God certainly has been watching over me.
I’ll behave and heal, and you can rest assured, this won’t slow me down.
I’m just re-focusing!🙏🏽💖

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