Finding Peace in a World of Comparison
Dec 26, 2023You know that comparison monster that rears its ugly head sometimes, even when you think you’re “over it”, or “past it”, or “not worried about it”?
It’s ok!
You’re not alone!
But (yes there’s that cancelling word), realize this…
It’s really your own creation, in your own mind.
You’ve created the comparison because of an inadequacy or fear you have. Ouch!
I know, it’s not what we want to hear, or tell ourselves, but it’s the truth.
So, next time you find yourself comparing to someone else or something else, realize where it’s coming from, honor it for a brief moment, then let it go.
Give yourself a hug and do your best with what you have right now. And no one else will be judging you.
Time to stop judging yourself so harshly.
And if anyone else judges you, it’s really none of your concern anyway.
Focus on bringing the joy and being kind, and you’ll always be on the right track.
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