Overcoming Fear and Embracing Growth

improvament personal growth self love Oct 12, 2023
“I’ve watched your journey for a while and you’ve been through a lot, and grown and changed so much! You’re such an inspiration!”
A friend told me this the other day and it was a wonderful compliment!
The first thought was… Wow! Really?
I didn’t even realize it.
But then I dug deeper…
And realized she’s right!
The changes have been slow and over time.
Yet profound….
And intentional.
Consistent focus on personal growth,
Becoming more vulnerable in important ways…
Asking for help…
Sharing my heart to help others…
It all can feel risky and scary…
Yet so worth it.
There is enough room for all of us to fly!
And you deserve it!
How are you holding yourself back?What are you afraid of?

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