Small Steps for Big Change

goals personal growth self love Oct 10, 2023
If nothing changes, nothing changes.
Think about that for a moment…
How many times have you said, “I wish I had more time to do_____”?
And years later, you still haven’t made time to do that thing?
Or, “I wish I had more money to buy/do ______”?
And time passes and we you’re still wishing and thinking?
What about, “I’ll learn how to do that as soon as I get time”?
Again, we just never seem to “get” the time.
Here’s the secret…
You have to change yourself, and what you’re doing, to make all these moments and opportunities become evident to you.
The opportunities are there now…
The time is there now…
Your skills to start you already have…
You just have to make the changes within your self to be able to see, feel and believe it and then…
Go do it.
You are the only one who can truly make it happen, but you don’t have to walk the path alone.
Shared with the utmost love… because I’m living proof it’s possible. 
And I want the same for you… in your own way.
One day at a time… Small, consistent action will transform your life 
Simple. Not easy. 
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