True Grit and Choosing Positive Energy

inspiration life the heart of the ranch Sep 22, 2023
It’s easy to think positively when you’re winning.

It’s easy to act when you have momentum.

It’s easy to create when the energy is positively pulling you along.

But what about when it’s not… any of the above?ā˜šŸ¼ 

This is where true grit matters.

This is when you must take control of your mind even more.

This is when you must dig in to personal growth and fill your mind and heart with positive energy.

This is when it’s more important than ever to surround yourself with positive people who bring good energy.

You are 100% in charge of the energy you bring to the moment.

What are you choosing today?

“How you think when you lose, will determine how long it will be until you win.”
~David Schwartz 

May be an image of horse, foal, pony and grass

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