Unleashing the Power of Clear Goals: Lessons from Rollo the Horse

the heart of the ranch May 23, 2023
A picture of a horse in the heart of the ranch
The old saying… “It’s much easier to teach a horse something when they have a real job to do” is truly the essence of how we all learn right?
When we have a clear, urgent, necessary goal…
We figure out a way to get it done.
We learn what we need to as we go…
We do it messy…
We ask for help…
We just go!
And what a good lesson right?
For all things in life!
Rollo is not 3 yet, and has approx. 30 days of riding, and has learned a lot in the last few days… because he had to. We move slowly around the cows most of the time (until we have to go fast), and he loves his job!
I’m so proud of how he’s taking it… his mind stays level and he thinks through everything we do!
3 days ago he didn’t know how to move sideways or open gates.
Today… after a couple hours in strong winds and spitting precipitation (not sure what it is) of opening and closing lots of gates, moving bulls, moving heifers, checking cows, he’s working like a champ!
A great reminder to make sure you get super clear and focused on your goals and attach urgency to it.
Do that and it’s amazing what you can accomplish.

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