What You Focus on Grows!

life personal growth success Oct 13, 2023
What you focus on grows…
Good or bad.
Simple truth that can really shift your entire existence.
Sounds too deep for a Friday?
Let’s call this Focus Friday and test it out!
Pick a color of a car to look for.. you’ll start seeing lots of them.
What about a color of shirt- like the Sunday 7 of us all came to church with a pink shirt or dress on… The same color pink!
Think about some kind of food and it will start showing up on conversations and requests.
As Mel Robbins says, start looking for heart-shaped rocks (sounds rare right?) and suddenly they will be all over.
Whether it’s a physical item, a business breakthrough, wealth, lack of something, a mental challenge, a vacation… you name it…
You have the capacity to open up space for these things… or not.
Kind of Incredible when you start to realize and experience the power of your mind.
“The mind is the devil’s playground”… you’ve heard this right?
It’s true… there’s a reason for it… your mind is SO POWERFUL!
And most of us use only a fraction of it for it’s full potential.
So, what are you focusing on today? 
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