What’s new in the blog?

Before you go any further, Hi! 

I'm Robin Benson, A Vermonter turned Minnesota rancher.  I am an expert at creating positive energy, confidence, and living the life you love. And I love teaching you how to do the same. Entrepreneur, rancher, homeschool mom, author, animal lover, outdoor living and healthy whole food maven. We explore all the things and simplify for you.

So glad you're here! 

Blessings in Ranch Chaos friends inspiration life the heart of the ranch Sep 14, 2023
Sunset apple cutting for the cattle crew lunch tomorrow.
Reflecting on the blessings and the flow of this season.
Some days it seems super chaotic and hectic.
But what if we switch the narrative to…
We are abundantly blessed with good to harvest, great friends to help us, and beautiful...
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Finding Growth and Joy in Every Moment inspiration life the heart of the ranch Sep 14, 2023
Summer——> Fall
Changing seasons.
Each moment is full of the opportunity to find the lesson, fun, companionship, love, grace, harvest, and reaping the fruits of what we’ve sewn in prior seasons.
And some are not that comfortable. But all lead to growth.
This is...
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Making Your Dreams Happen in Every Season of Life! family inspiration life the heart of the ranch Sep 08, 2023
Do you ever catch yourself saying, “Oh this is just a busy season, I’ll do that when it slows down.”?
Our lives definitely have seasons, but I’ve yet to find a slow season where I just have lots of time to do all those things that I put on hold.
Here’s the...
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Embrace Your Unique Path to Success inspiration the heart of the ranch Sep 07, 2023
Your success is not gained through comparison or judgement.
Not only will comparison steal your joy, it will grow insecurities and distract you from what’s important.
It’s not our place to judge others.
And comparison, and judgement, seem inextricably linked.
What impact is your...
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A New Day, New Opportunities, and Fresh Progress! inspiration the heart of the ranch Aug 25, 2023
Yesterday is over.
Today is a new day!
Your chance for a fresh start… But with a bonus.
You have the opportunity to take everything you did before and learn from it as you move into today.
So stop beating yourself up for what went wrong, your mistakes, things you didn’t do, or...
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